Prof Dr Fernanda Neutel

Fernanda Neutel, Ph.D. in Political Science/European Studies and Master degree in International Relations from Leeds University, United Kingdom, is Associate Professor at Lusófona University – Lisboa, Portugal . Her research interests focus on the European Parliament, Political Parties at the European level, European integration, and the future of the European Union. Her main publications include: ‘Pushing the Union Forward? The Role of The European Parliament in the Union’s crisis in Demetriou, Kyriakos (ed.), The European Union in Crisis, Explorations in Representation and Democratic Legitimacy, Switzerland Springer Verlagen, 2015; ‘Does the European Union need an army?’ Katoikos online journal, 2016; ‘The European Union Challenges for the future: making concessions or moving forward’, Istanbul: Mirdec Publishing, 2018; a book on the European Union Integration Process, published in Portugal in 2019 (A Construção da União Europeia: da II Guerra Mundial à Emergência de uma Fronteira Comum para o Século XXI, Lisboa: Sílabo); APPRAISING THE EUROPEAN UNION: VICTORIES, UNCERTAINTIES, AND CHALLENGES, American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 2021. Forthcoming publication (2022): ´´Portugal´´, in Viola, Donatella, The Palgrave Handbook of European Elections, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.