Andreas Pribersky

Andreas Pribersky is a fellow of the European Institute for International Law and International Relations.
He is Senior fellow at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna. Prior to this he was director of the Budapest office and then head of the Social Science department of the Austrian Institute for East- and Southeast European studies. He has also been visiting researcher at the Wiener Library of Tel Aviv University and the Maison des Sciences de l`Homme in Paris, and has been teaching as a Marshall Plan Chair in Comparative Politics at the University of New Orleans and as visiting professor at the Institut d´Études Politiques in Lyon.
In research and teaching Andreas Priberskys interest focuses on symbolic politics and the visual representation in international relations: publications in this field include among others co-authored books on the visual representation of European politics (Europäische Bildpolitiken. Politische Bildanalyse am Beispiel der EU-Politik 2009) and on Hungary and the co-editing of volumes on the visual representation of politics (Bildhandeln und Visuelle Politik ÖZS 2/2016) and on a comparative perspective on political symbols and rituals (Symbole und Rituale des Politischen. Ost- und Westeuropa im Vergleich). He is currently working on the analysis of aspects of the visual representation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and on a book about cultural patterns of political extremism in Europe.